Not so long ago I was walking on a beautiful trail (blessed to be surrounded by many!) and it’s there that the magic happens. You know- the walk that allows you to just disconnect from drama, doing, doubting and basically anything that could be a form of “thinking”.
Well, it’s those moments that you get what I and many of my “woo woo” friends call; intuitive hits! Hits of clarity and hits of bliss of just noticing every little beautiful detail that surrounds you and you just have to say- I’m blessed. But, those “hits” that tell you certain things that you know you wouldn’t have gotten in your consciousness if you hadn’t been “blissed out”.
What happens is that life just gets utterly busy- some good busy and some not so good busy, but regardless this is where we are disconnected. When we are disconnected we won’t get any bliss, we don’t get magic knowing hits and we don’t get to connect to us. Within each of us lives another “us”. I’ll explain this one, and I’ll make it super easy.
We are more than a “thinking” being. We are more than what we “do”. We are actually living a divine life, we just don’t stop and allow the bliss in, we don’t know how to stop and actually “see” what we are. You are more than a mother, more than a father and more than just you and your thoughts. Actually, those “thoughts” are full of shit half the time! Really- if you believed half of what your jacked up ego said, you’d be on your bed screaming with terror! What you are is deeper and richer than you can imagine, but, if you’re one of the people blessed enough to disconnect at times- you get to “see” you.
The you that “dreams” and “desires” is real.
The you that see’s purpose is real.
The you that has a mindset that is allowing and of purpose, is real.
This is where you manifest. There is nothing more true than an individual getting a vision (a dream) taking clear action and allowing the purpose of their passion become alive. When we take the time to disconnect from “thoughts” and feel our way into a direction that was born from passion, we can receive anything.
We are all entrepreneurs, we just need to get out of our thoughts and start listing to your true self – the passionate self. If you aren’t living from pure purpose, you may lack passion. If you aren’t thriving and attracting all the abundance you need- you aren’t living the life you are destined to life. Your dream is real, your mindsets may be sabotaging you.
A lack mindset can rob you of your brilliance.
Mindsets are stories from the past, if they aren’t serving you they are depleting you. Clear your mind- attract your abundance and go get your passionate life going!
You ready to profit from your passion!
Join me on a 2 hour deep dive intuitive session- Mindset & Manifesting!