Money is energy, How is your energy?

Seriously-you’re going to love this chat. For all those amazing healers and lightworkers (massage therapist, reiki masters, coaches) – this one is for you! We assume all to often that our gifts and chosen careers are meant to serve and not receive. As...

Mindsets & Manifesting (not so woo woo)

Not so long ago I was walking on a beautiful trail (blessed to be surrounded by many!) and it’s there that the magic happens. You know- the walk that allows you to just disconnect from drama, doing, doubting and basically anything that could be a form of...

Living with Depression + loving life

Living with depression is a lifelong commitment of absolute compassion – to yourself. Living with depression could be your curse or your blessing – I choose the blessings. ( after i battle the demon out of my soul) There are so many ways (so many stories)...