Money and you. Want to talk about the love affair you should be having with money?
My little dirty secret about money + how I want to share it with the world.
When I was about 14 (around there) I was heading down to a pier near our home to “go to work” with my dad.
You see, he was “Captain Barry” – for the one and only Mrs. Mary Rockefeller. Every summer my dad took her and her buddies and/or family out to her Island – “Shingle Island”. I didn’t pay a lot of attention at that point in my life of what mom and dad “did”. I was a free spirit – living on a beautiful island- just living my simple teen life.
But this particular day dad invited us to go to “work” with him – so, I had to go. (right- had to go get on a boat on the most beautiful coastline in America and visit a private Island-rough) We started walking down the pier and landed at the end dock where her boat was waiting – where Mrs. Rockefeller was waiting as well. All the years dad has worked for this lady, I’d never meet her – I didn’t really care. I was a kid – I wanted to go run around with my friends. But today – I had to go to work with dad.
Now, here is the interesting part (to me it still is) dad was introducing Mrs. Rockefeller to me and my sibling – “Girls, Karen- this is Mrs. Rockefeller.” I reply- “Hi Mary”. They all looked at “Mary” and my dad looked at me with this weird expression, and then looked at my mother – same weird expression. I didn’t think anything of it.
The long of the short was that forever dad referred to her at home as “Mary”. Mary this…Mary that….. we need this for the day or that. That is how I knew her, she was “Mary”.
But little did I know I was supposed to follow the rules of introduction to “higher authority” and call her by her proper “boss’s” name – Mrs. Rockefeller.
The moral of this story (could be a few) is that for this young girl – people are people. I’m Karen, she was Mary – I didn’t get all caught up in the Hierarchy- I didn’t understand at that age (still don’t) that money would put people in a category of there own.
Sure – there was a ‘respect’ of sorts of using a formal name, but – that isn’t my point today. Today I want you to look at what is in your heart around you and your love of money. What would you change if you were suddenly a “Mrs. Rockefeller?” What would feel? How would you expect to be treated if you had this ghastly amount of money?
I bet nothing. I bet – if you’re like me you would carry on and be blissfully happy and be who you are anyway.
Forty years ago I didn’t see limitations to wealth, I believed like I believe today wealth is a mindset and you must trust you’re ability to be and live abundantly. We had no means when I was a child – we didn’t have money for further education, new cars or any “luxury items”. I never knew the difference, I never believed I wasn’t a “Rockefeller”.
A pursuit to live to whom I always was and and always will be – relentless – enlightened – abundant – and alive.
You see- the illusion around money is just that- a created illusion. So go ahead and be Mrs. Rockefeller if you want. Be that wealthy brilliant millionaire if you want. Just be you all the way. Be absolutely open to fun – crazy – big ass money. Be who you want now – be bold and rich but be pleasant and giving. Be in love with money, but love you first and love you all the way to any bank.
Be brilliant in your pursuit of wealth and joy and love – you can have it. You have all the relentless desire of any amount of money – so live like it. Go create a love affair with money – go live and give and laugh and love.
Have a love affair with money and you.
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