Moving into purpose and profits is the true test of your WHY! I’ll explain, but first, let’s knock out the naysayers that have an issue with making money!

Naysayer gripe #1 – Soul purpose and intention aren’t connected to greedy little money makers. WRONG

#2 – Spiritually aligned entrepreneurs aren’t in it for the money. WRONG

#3- (personal favorite) Small business and solopreneurs won’t make enough money to survive.


I’ll say this first, if you are believing in and buying into the naysayer list, then you won’t make money and you won’t survive. Here’s why-

Whether you believe in the Law of Attraction or not- there is absolute truth in what you think you become, and what you believe in will arrive. We know for a fact there is LOA is all around us, there is absolute proof that your thoughts have actual powers. Anyone who has struggled to turn their live around from the ground up will stand on this truth all day long – I have.

Let’s get into the purpose and profits theory-

There is so much I could cover so I’ll break it down for this blog into just 3 top Money Mindset Tips!

1 – Money and love are no different. They are both energy that is used for absolute well being and growth.

2 – Money loves a “happy” place to go! Never have I ever not received something I didn’t absolutely LOVE before I ever received it. This is why I’m constantly asking clients -BE SPECIFIC! Build an alliance with how amazing all of your monetary gifts are and will be before you ever receive them.  This idea is all about LOA!!

3 – Money should be nurtured; honored; adored; valued and appreciated – JUST LIKE LOVE

So tell me, is there any reason why any solopreneur or light healer or any business wouldn’t want to build wealth with this attitude? Is there any reason you may be doubting your receiving of MONEY? If there is any doubt- than MONEY can’t find you and you are blocking it. It’s that simple.


As an intuitive money mindset coach I’d love to advise you on this ONE mindset shift.

“You are a beautiful giver of your talent (god given gift) that must be complemented with a monetary gift.

Once you have nailed this down, I mean nailed it into your soul, you can start attracting money with your amazing business. Your business is an extension of you, your unique and powerful work is value that like any other “trade” will be compensated.


Aligning this one amazing thought, this truth, will support your abundance.

Now, are you aligned? Are you truly aligned with your purpose? Your WHY?

This is what you can explore next.

This is what I love about what I do- get you aligned, get your why clear and then start receiving.



