In the coaching industry there is A LOT of talk about FEAR.
I’m so Fr$%^ing tired of it.
Fear show’s up all over the place – love, relationships, work, sports and in self improvement. Fear is driven by many factors and is the most used answer in any complicated situation. We hear this all the time – “Fear holds us back, Fear gets in the way, Fear to move forward, Fear to change, Fear to love, Fear of LIFE!”
I use it personally and I know I see it in my clients. How about I give you a chance to go beyond the feeling of fear and actually replace it? Trust me I know you have a perfectly good reason (in your head) that your fear is real and it’s perfectly fine to be there to “protect me”. Bullshit.
Fear is just a trigger. Fear is the result of an old situation, a past experience or a current one- but it doesn’t need to stay in your head as fear. Trust me- fear played a role for a period of time, I get it. Circumstances in life did interject the fear factor. Now your ego is holding on for dear life to keep fear alive, it’s protecting you from having the same situation happen again, right? Right? WRONG.
We use any excuse we can to use fear, whether we are aware of it or not we like the comfort of the excuse. The excuse keeps us from growing, the excuse keeps us from being truly exposed and VULNERABLE! The excuse is default to fear, and fear holds us back. When we start to really express becoming bigger, better or elevated in love, life and professionally – ego jumps in and grabs you by the ass and speaks loud and clear! “Remember last time you tried that!” Or this one – “You failed the last time!” “You didn’t do enough/have enough…..”
I challenge you to look at fear again, look at the fear and give it new life- new language; COURAGE.
Take some time each day to see where fear show’s up. Where in your life – profession – love are you willing to replace fear with courage. It’s time we take our lives and live with the power that is already embedded in us and use it. Use courage to define your new brand. Use courage to make that investment happen! Use courage to show up at the gym for the 15th time and start over! Use courage to move your love life into a new beginning! (your welcome)
Use courage to be vulnerable and show up to your fear- make life what you want, not what your history was. Use courage to find a way to express your passion in life, love and work.
The truth is, we all fail sometimes-it was the failure that made us stronger. But, if we never move away from the fear we never get to witness the elegant life we were meant to live that lies on the other side of fear; what I call courage.
Now- go build that amazing business -life – product – lover – whatever; fail- you might; live you must with courage.